Mall of America
Yes, we went. Yes, it is a spectacle. That does not mean you should visit if you are nearby. You are welcome.
Yes, we went. Yes, it is a spectacle. That does not mean you should visit if you are nearby. You are welcome.
Located in the Walker Art Center, this is easily one of the best museum restaurants that we have ever been to. Great staff and fantastic food.
There really is something great about lettuce, bleu cheese and bacon, right? Because 2020 was the year of stupid COVID-19, we had to do our annual Christmas Eve dinner […]
Nice walk – the grass needed a good cutting.
It’s all modern art with lots of video…very large museum with a great store. Back to visit on a long layover during Adventure 2023. One of our favorite sculptures, Hahn/Cock, […]
Watched US loose to Ghana in the 2010 World Cup with a big crowd on a great big TV.