Bayeux 2024

Bayeux is the home of the Bayeux Tapestry, which depicts the events leading up to the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. It is also known as the first major town secured by the Allies during Operation Overlord after D-Day. Charles de Gaulle made two famous speeches in this town.

We visited Bayeux on Adventure 2024 during a trip to Paris, France.

A fantastic little coffee shop in Bayeux, possibly the best coffee we’ve ever had in France(?). Excellent service and espresso.

While Bayeux was lovely, it’s not a place to go over a Sunday and Monday. Lots of shops close, lots of tourists come in for Monday tours therefore lots of […]

A very quiet hotel for a very short side trip on Adventure 2024. They warned us that the locks were weird, they were right 😉

This was amazing. It shows what people did before things like the printing press… The Bayeux Tapestry[a] is an embroidered cloth nearly 70 metres (230 feet) long and 50 centimetres […]

How many places like this exist in France? In all of Europe? I know we will never see them all and I know lots are similar but each one is […]

For some reason, I could see soldiers using this back in WWII…