Food Truck

What do you do when you fly into the city that never sleeps late on a friday?  You have dinner of course. We walked a few blocks from our hotel […]

Sometimes, it’s the simple things that are best. A simple coffee cart (good espresso) and crepe cart along the Seine river on a beautiful morning in Paris…not a bad way […]

Yep, crummy shaved ice from a food truck. When you’re in DC anytime during the summer it’s hot and sticky. Spend the $10 and get on of these, find a […]

One of the many food trucks in downtown Portland. Had falafel here after our trip to Soter Vineyards – very good.

So for dinner we went to Bar Marco, a standard in our weekend dinner rotation and low and behold the Pgh Taco Truck was parked in the parking lot serving […]

Our first crepe in Paris…oh so good and gooey.