
So I’ve been on a little Perfect Manhattan kick lately.  As it turns out there are a ton of variants on the recipe so I thought I’d try them (and some of my own) out and keep track here.

A traditional Manhattan (according to Mr Boston) is

  • 1 1/2 Rye Whiskey
  • 1/2 sweet Vermouth
  • 1 dash Angostura Bitters

The typical Perfect Manhattan is made with whiskey and equal parts sweet and dry Vermouth.  Something along the order of

  • 2 whiskey
  • 1/2 sweet Vermouth
  • 1/2 dry Vermouth
  • some bitters
  • a cherry and/or orange peel

So, the way I see it, a Perfect Manhattan = whiskey + something sweet + something dry + a little bitter + something on a stick.  Since there are lots and lots of Vermouths and other fun things out there I’m going to work on mixing and matching.

I like to make these on the small side, around 1 1/2 to 2 oz total served in a nice rocks glass (we picked up a vintage pair at a flea market awhile back with matching glass coasters) over a single large cube of ice.  I don’t like overly sweet drinks but I do have a soft spot for cherries.  Most of my recipes end up being half whiskey and half “other stuff” while the typical recipe is basically 2 to 1.  That my not follow the “rule” but so be it.

My current favorite will be at the top of this list. The Wigle Apple  412

The Cardamaro  1011

The COVID-19 Black Manhattan  19
No special virus protection powers, just what we had on hand after the State stores closed and it turns out it’s a good combo

The Eagle Manhattan  314

The Holiday Manhattan  1220

The Black Manhattan

The Cynar

The Punt e Mes

The Contratto/Bonal 50/50
This was very smooth and had a very light color.  This added the missing zing.

The Cardamaro 46

The Contratto/Bonal
This was very smooth and had a very light color.  Needs to have a tad more “zing” to it

The Averna

The 50/25

The 25/50
This was a bit sweet for my liking but turned out to be a very nice color

The White 50/25
This was good but there was a noticeable difference having used the non-aged whiskey